Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Blessing From A Reader (Thank You)

Yesterday Morning I was listening to a Dr. Wayne Dyer CD called "The Secrets of an Inspirational Life" that my Mom let me borrow.  It has 6 CDs all together and yesterday I only went through one but already one of his teachings presented itself to me this morning. In his first CD he discusses a very interesting observation of sometimes waking up at the same time early in the morning between the hours of 3:00-4:00am.  Lately, I've been waking up at 3:40am, 3:38am and this morning I woke up at 4:40am.  Anyway, according to Dr. Wayne Dyer during those very early times in the morning is when we are as close to our Higher Spirit than other times of the day because these are the times when everything is mostly silent. He says it's our Higher Spirit trying to speak to us and quotes an old poet Rumi, "The morning breeze has secrets. Don’t go back to sleep."  Most of the time when I wake up in the middle of the night I immediately check my phone, well because it's my only source of time.  It also leads me to checking missed phone calls, text messages and sometimes email.  

This morning when I opened my eyes to 4:40am I instantly remembered the Dr. Wayne Dyer teachings and for some reason checked my email. To my surprise I had a friend tag a picture of me exactly the same time I woke up, which I thought was weird but then I saw another interesting email.  This email was a comment on my previous blog entry.  I am besides myself right now. Whoever you were that wrote it was truly speaking to me, I felt like you were my "morning breeze secret." I felt like I was listening to one of my spiritual teachers and to whoever you are I can't thank you enough. What you said was so powerful that I had to stay awake and write this new entry.  I have no words but Thank You and God Bless you.  For my Readers now I suggest you refer back to my last entry and read the comment below that was left from an "UNKNOWN" but amazing source. Everything that this person, this "UNKNOWN" source said to me was exactly what I needed to hear but I'm going to quote what struck me the most.

" Friendships with exes are something very rare. In my philosophy, you never stop loving someone.  If you loved them, then you always will. If you do not love them, then you never truly loved them in the first place. You say you want what is best for him, but give yourself respect, and want what is best for you. In life, you have yourself to rely on. Love yourself before loving anyone else more... By keeping a friendship right now, you are tortuting yourself. You are hanging on his words...the second he said he would talk later, you got a huge smile and felt warm inside. I understand that feeling, I have been there. But, at that moment, all the mean things he has said or done or have hurt you disappeared, and all you heard was "talk later" and you clung to it. I cannot stress enough...cut him off... If it is supposed to be, it will be! There is no sense in wasting you time, effort, energy, and love on someone who doesn't return it. If he is not the one, then someone else is out there who will wear their heart on their sleeve and match you as an equal...they will be ready to let you in their life. Believe me, I know how hard this is, and I wish I could take my own advice and practice what I preach. For now, "do you" without the hopes of him realizing he wants you in his life. You may find that you don't miss him as much as you think you do once you find your own inner happiness. Do not hang onto him... When you are trying to catch a butterfly, it flies faster and more wildly doing loops and swirls, but when you ignore it and admire the garden, it will come and sit on your shoulder.


 BEAUTIFUL WORDS! THANK YOU! This is the reason why I'm writing this blog. I am trying to spread the power of love. The power of loving myself and Inspiring others to do the same <3.

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