Thursday, May 24, 2012

Meeting Guys at Bars or Clubs

RULE: Don't take them seriously. Instead have some serious fun.

Why do we go out to drink? Because we just want to have a good time or we're alcoholics right?  Either way we're all trying to find some temporary happiness or a stress release.  Some people think a bar or a club is a good place to find a lover, and that may have happened to some people but for me not at all.  Truthfully, guys at bars/clubs are not looking for something serious and neither should you.  We are all there for the same reason, just to have a good time.  If you happen to give a guy your number from a bar, that's exactly what he wants with you, is have a good time and that's pretty much it.  I've never in my entire life of dating have I started a relationship with someone I've met after a night of drinking.  I've dated people from my church, school, and work place (maybe a hip hop concert, but that didn't go too well).  I was able to spark a relationship because I got to know these guys at a more positive and sober playing field.  I know what I am saying is pretty much a given but I honestly think there are women still out there thinking that maybe just maybe they will find someone to love them after downing a few vodka Redbulls, then grinding to some Ying Yang Twins.  I'll admit that I have given/gotten a few numbers when going out but honestly I just immediately delete the number the next day.  I figure if they were really interested then they will call or text. However, I know exactly what they are interested in and it isn't my views on Prop whatever.  Anyway, I'm doing this new thing that I'm not going to think all men are a**holes.  So I am suggesting that we can use these guys that we meet at a bar as a opportunity to have more fun instead.  I would never ask any of these guys for a date or anything serious because I know that isn't their MO.  Instead if I do hear from them or decide to hit them up I will ask them about any suggestions of a good place to have a drink or get my groove on.  Usually, these guys want to see you again but in a not so serious setting like another club or bar so might as well be a super fun place.  Also these kinds of guys will usually ask you to bring your friends because he got his boys coming with him as well. In the words of Puff Daddy, "Tell your friends, to get with my friends and we can be friends. Shit we can do this every weekend..."  Sounds like fun to me.  I mean you never know this guy may not be the one but hey one of his friends may be. Haha! What I am really trying to say is if you can keep your emotions in check and not take these guys too seriously, why not use them to our advantage?  Not only will they be a good tool to find a cooler spot to get down, but more opportunities for some legit fun and who knows maybe the "next" one.  ;)

Note: Always put yourself first of course. Your happiness and yours alone is what matters the most. <3 

Double Note: I'm not condoning or judging casual sex but refer back to Note above.

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