Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mom Vs. Ego

     I had a fight with my Mom today. She hurt my feelings, no lie.  However, she is the one who has provided me with these wonderful sources of self help books and CDs.  Instead of the role of Mom she's been the role of Spiritual Teacher/provider.  But today we bumped heads, and I'm starting to realize this woman can be a bit dogmatic when it comes to everything she's trying to show me.  Her idea of finding love for herself has somehow shoved out what I needed from her today. I wanted my Mom.  Sometimes I think she gets caught up in trying to keep so much negativity away from her she becomes closed minded, and too quick to judge.  That's something I feel I do from time to time when people present their problems to me.  I did it the other day to a really good friend when she was having problems with her boyfriend.  Although my intentions were out of love and wanting the best for my friend, I wasn't being a friend.  I was super-salty-only-focusing-on-one-thing-woman.  I realized I was coming off a bit harsh, judge-mental, and actually pessimistic in which I've felt was completely against what I've been trying to learn through all these self help sources.  I had to take a step back and really listen to my friend.  As soon as I started listening and taking everything that she was saying in, I immediately had nothing but hope and words of encouragement for her.  I started to soften up and affirmed that her boyfriend would call her and no joke, a minuet later he did.  Everything pretty much worked out between them after that.  My mom is going to think what she's going to think but all I know I will definitely concentrate on listening more than trying to sound right.  

So I wrote a little something out of inspiration out of the fight with my Mom:

Not everything in this world is black and white, it's made of complex systems that have infinite amounts of outcomes.  We can't be closed minded to just only one outcome and one alone.  It's not that simple. I see life as like a type of Scientific Method.  Where we have multiple test subjects.  Our first subjects are considered the "Control."  Meaning nothing is manipulating these subjects, nothing is added or changing.  This represents a very predictable and close minded why to look at things.  But what happens when we take the same subjects from that "Control,"call it Experiment 2, and add "something" in the mix. This adding of something represents change, or a chance to look at the same thing in a different way.  Lastly, let's say we make another test and call it Experiment 3 and add even more different "things" to the subjects, maybe it's the same "stuff" from Experiment 2 but this time it's more, or it could just be completely different "stuff."  This represents a self realization of things can be too little or too much.  Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that it's okay to test out different outcomes because you never know which one will work out the  best for you in the long run.  If people stayed in that "controlled" experiment of life, absolutely nothing influencing them, testing them, adding to them then they would never have known what they could have become, compared themselves to, or realizing they were right all along.  But we need to have an open mind and an open heart to do these "experiments," and not fear the outcome.  Lastly, scientist uses different test/experiments for the sole purpose of accurate data to support their hypothesis. You can't prove anything with only one "experiment."  You have to understand and take accurate notes of other possibilities as well before you have an absolute conclusion.   

P.S. Without Her though, this all wouldn't have been possible, so does that mean she still wins? LOL ;)

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