Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Surround Yourself With Positive Men and More Will Follow

I realized I've manage to surrounded myself with undependable men in my life.  Sadly the major players are a few men in my own family and even a few guy friends.  I guess I've subconsciously taught myself that is just how men are.  They leave you when the chips are down. They are huge flakers or are unwilling to help in tough situations (i.e. moving, car, etc...) They only come around when it's convenient for them or they are just down right disrespectful.  I somehow attract these kind of guys in my life and fall in love with them because it's the only type of men I've ever known, so I didn't know any better.  And since I've haven't had any good examples I may have passed up a few good ones or simply wasn't attracted to them.  After experiencing a long pattern of rejection and contemplating where it all comes from, I'm fully conscious and aware of the kind of man I do deserve in my life.  So that means I am stopping myself from trying to reach out or be around negative men who just suck the positivity right out of me.  I am now focusing and taking mental note of the few men who are actually wonderful.  I make sure I remember they're positive energy and how I always feel good when I am around them, that way I will really know the good ones when ever they do come around.  Every woman should exercise this type of thinking instead of focusing on all the negative aspects of men because sooner or later we won't even recognize or attract the bad ones. THINK THIS: Only dependable, helpful, friendly, respectful, and humorous Men exist in my world. 

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