Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sometimes We Just Need to Be Reminded

           There are times when we have a bad day, or can't stop thinking about someone who has wronged us. Sometimes you might even think about that recent ex who has broken your heart.  From time to time I think about my recent Ex and it puts me in a roller coaster of emotions. First I'm very angry and bitter. Then I feel a strong pang of longing and then feel lonely. But in the end I try to forgive and move along my thoughts to a more important matter, such as this blog, calling a friend or a family member.  I also wrote this affirmation to remind me to just STOP those negative thoughts and focus on what is actually true in my life. I suggest whenever you have an negative thought that just can't get out of your head, read this and repeat until you believe it.

Stop looking for someone to let you down
Stop searching for rejection
stop finding something to offend you

Search for peace
You can't change people's minds
No matter how good of a person you are

Let go of your resentment
Forgive those who hurt you
And forgive yourself for letting them

There is someone out there
Who will absolutely love and
appreciate your love
They'll take special care of it
And know it it something real

Until then stay happy 
this person will eventually
find you at the right time

 <3 yours truly

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