Monday, May 14, 2012


So I was listening to a self help CD by Louise Hay called "You Can Heal Your Life," and she brought up addictions. Not just the kind of addictions you get from substance abuse but she brought up emotional addictions such as addiction to rejection. She said if you're constantly attracting people to reject you then you must be rejecting something about yourself.  I guess the truth is that I am. I'm rejecting the fact that I'm not okay with being single.  I have to be true to myself before I can heal myself.  Today before I even had the chance to listen to that part of my CD, I was feeling overwhelmingly emotional.  My mom hit a trigger within me that deals with counting on men and then tears started running down my face.  I've been let down by some major men in my life. Such as my Dad, my brother, and a few boyfriends here and there.  It's all rejection issues.  If anything this emotion is anger and resentment towards men.  My relationship with my Dad has been a working progress and a long story.  Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that I was rejecting the fact that it's okay that I have to go through a lot of my own issues i.e. moving out, car troubles on my own.  I kept attracting all these guys who only wanted to reject me because I was focusing too much on needing someone, while deep down I knew I couldn't really count on them.  So I realized that I shouldn't carry so much hurt and anger because I don't have a man to help me with these things. I need to stop focusing on the negative and zone in on the positives of all of this.  Then I know I will be able to attract the kind of people that I really need and deserve in my life.  Basically, I and maybe we all need to remember and affirm that:  

Being single is an amazing experience.  

Being single is life's sifter to reveal what I really want and deserve. 

Being single is one of life's biggest challenges, so I shouldn't be too hard on myself when I'm feeling overwhelmed.  

I'm a woman and it's natural to want to be wanted.  

Being single is necessary for learning to truly love yourself.  

Being single will lead me to my true love because I have learned to truly love myself. 

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